Transformation and Change

It’s funny. As an Information Manager for a leading international corporation, I loved to implement change to increase organizational effectiveness and reduce costs. Unfortunately, I do not like change. This is a summer of great change in my life:  moving from one coast to the other, finishing my M.A. in Teaching, preparing to publish my first study, joining Twitter and now writing my first blog.

Always hoping to present an excellent product, I’ve spent the past week experimenting with various blog sites. Some required more design time than I wanted to put in. Others seemed too simplistic. I think this one is good for a beginning blogger like me while allowing me to kick the training wheels off when the time comes.

I chose to call this blog “Seeking Wisdom” because I feel that is required to solve the problems on which I am focused. That is not to imply that I feel I have all the necessary wisdom, but to indicate that I am on a journey of self-realization. 

I’ve spent the last two years pursing an M.A. in Teaching to provide some credibility and support for the theories I developed to guide my own children.  In fact, I have had such success with my 3rd grade son who is “very highly gifted” that I want to document and reapply my methods to programs that will help other little boys.

This blog is a way to start sharing some ideas and getting feedback.  However, I realize there is much I have yet to learn.  I begin my doctorate next month.  For now, I will be publishing research findings and other relevant experiences along with articles I find interesting.  In order for you to get to know me, I’m going to start with a paper on Gifted African-American male students.  

Please be sure to leave any comments or suggestions and don’t forget to sign up to receive email updates when a new article posts. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!

In all you do, Seek Wisdom

About Theresa Payne, M.A.
Educational Researcher, Teacher and Author dedicated to promoting and increasing educational success among African-American males through thoughtful, creative and innovative programs that increase the graduation rate and representation in gifted programs while reducing behavioral problems and the drop out rate. Theresa holds a Masters in Teaching from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, along with a Certificate in Nonprofit Management and a Certificate in Proposal Writing from The Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center, Rollins College, Crummer Graduate School of Business.

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